Ground Rules for Ecommerce Marketing in 2016

Using PowerPoint in a Business Presentation? These five tips will make your communication more effective It is almost expected today that you will use PowerPoint in business presentations. It can be used to add visuals to the message and is an easy way to create a leave-behind handout or e-mail the presentation to others later. […]
An employee intranet can help your staff be more productive, make it easier to find documents and information — and make HR admin tasks simpler, like requesting leave or updating company policies. And although they have traditionally been the preserve of large companies, cloud intranet services mean creating an employee intranet is relatively straightforward. Not […]
Evergreen content is a staple of a solid content strategy. While it pays off in the long term, it isn’t always ideal for traffic boosts. You want the occasional piece that draws people in droves, and that takes a different content tactic. Covering relevant timely and newsworthy content is a great way to grow your […]
“It’s dead,” they said. “You have to replace it with this ‘new kid’,” they also said. But, then the new kid got chaotic and didn’t deliver expected results. And people fell back to the dead entity. Are you confused as to what I am talking about? The ‘new kid’ is social media. And the dead […]