6 Undeniable Reasons Why The Future of Web Design is Responsive

Sources said that in the small rollout to a single-digit percentage of users, engagement with the new design has stalled. So much so, in fact, that the majority of users won’t receive this Facebook redesign we saw unveiled this year. Instead, sources said, it’s back to the drawing board on a better News Feed, while […]
Facebook recently introduced its revamped version of Page Insights with improved publishing tools, metrics and engagement statistics for all pages. The updates were designed to give admins more data regarding page visitors and to assist them in creating improved content. Facebook allowed some users to beta test this new version in June, but it is […]
Having your own website is hard enough. In addition to adding content, trying to grow your audience, maintaining it, now you have to be cautious of malware possibly being spread through your beloved website? According to Palo Alto Networks’s recent The Modern Malware Review, “90 percent of Unknown Malware [is] Delivered Via Web-Browsing.” This confirms […]